Last updated on 1/21/98

1992, Turn 1 - Part 1 (of 3)

          **** CURRENT POSITION OF SHIPS ****

[This is as close to scale as 80-column ASCII will allow. ]

(Top View)  Ring and Alcyon orbiting CCW as seen from here.

All ship positions and communications are calculated from the Alcyon
(unless otherwise noted).
   Al = Alcyon

The following cluster of ships are positioned ~0.9 AU from Alcyon,
7.5 minutes each way for communication signals:
    T = Trakh
    S = Trakh Shuttle
    P = Paladin
    K = Kingfisher
   Ta = Talisman
All of these ships are within a few light-seconds of each other
for purposes of round-trip communication signals.  Note that the
Aurora is *ALMOST* within this group as well.  Communication between
her and the other ships will have a lag of ~45 seconds.

From the Alcyon, the other ships are positioned as follows:

    W = Westwind, ~1.8 AU from Alcyon, 15 minutes each way for signals.
   Ph = Phin shuttle, ~1.78 AU from Alcyon, 14.8 minutes each way for signals.
    G = Gemini Arbiter ~0.9 AU from Alcyon, 7.5 min. each way for signals.
    B = Bernoulli, ~1.5 AU from Alcyon, 12.5 min. each way for signals.
   Au = Aurora, ~1.0 AU from Alcyon, 8.3 min. each way for signals.
    X = Recently detected wreck in orbit around R-Alpha, ~1.4 AU from Alcyon,
        11.8 min. each way for signals or scans.

   Ph                                             X
                                          ....           ....
               G                .
                           Al .<------- 150 ------>*
                              .     Million Km.
     |______|______|           .
     0     50     100           .
       Million Km.               .
                                KTS   .
                                 Ta P   .
                                   Au     ....           ....


*** Dateline: 334-1119 [1501/Reaver's Deep] ***


KingfisherPhin ShuttleAuroraTalismanKingfisherAurora / Gemini Arbiter / Paladin / TalismanAlcyonPaladinTalismanAuroraKingfisherAuroraKingfisherAurora / Gemini Arbiter / Paladin / TalismanKingfisherAuroraTalismanTO BE CONTINUED...

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