Miscellaneous Adminstrative Notes
for the TML PBeM

Last updated on 2/06/98

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Any ongoing activity involving a large group of people, needs rules and guidelines to functions smoothly. The TML PBeM is no exception.

As time passes, this page will accumulate documentation relating to the orderly function of the PBeM; some sections will be directed towards the player characters, while others will be aimed at the players themselves. Hopefully, the sum of these rules will help improve the game without bogging it down.

Rules for posting moves and turns to the PBeM.
Elissa's crew roster and command structure.
Shipboard commo channels and the rules for using them.

Questions? Comments? Complaints? Suggestions. E-mail them to me at markc@ssgfx.com

Copyright © 1997, 1998
Shoestring Graphics & Printing