CGI (Common Gateway Interface) scripts can contribute greatly to the effect of a page, in fact a page or series of pages can be one big CGI program.

Common CGI programs are databases, access counters, animations, feedback forms, shopping carts, and imagemaps. CGI programs are written in C/C++ ensuring maximum input/output speed. Common CGIs are easily implemented, even if your web site cannot run CGIs, we can house and run it on our site for a minimal cost.


Access Counters: These display the amount of times any particular page has been accessed. They display a number, in graphic form, created from a database of digit styles. You can have your own customized style of digits or one of the many styles already built-in. The counter can be given a large amount of arguments to do a range of effects "on the fly".

Dynamic Documents: These contain CGI scripts which can be programmed in many different languages to add countless effects to a document like animation, buttons & forms and can also contain searchable databases. These effects make an otherwise normal document dynamic.

Animations: Yes, animations can be CGIs as well (although not all are.) Most of the work is involved in making the sequence of graphic frames, created with 3D animation software. Once those are made and tested, a CGI program has to be written in order to run it on the Web. This CGI script can by quickly modified by editing existing code to animate a different sequence of graphic files.

Databases: Databases can have many different uses. Most of our db CGIs are built using an Oracle database. In a Web environment a database is useful for providing realtime information. For example, product information can be stored online and with the help of a CGI application, a customer can access that information to become familiar with your products and capabilities without needing to involve a salesperson or representative until it is time to discuss the details of the sale. Plus this capability is inherently available 24 hours a day from anywhere in the world.

Feedback Forms: Forms are created using HTML, and in fact can operate without a CGI script. Our feedback CGI program can be accessed by anyone to be used with a standard feedback form. Other types of form based CGI programs are shopping cart programs, quote request type scripts, quiz programs, search engines, and online ordering forms, to mention just a few. CGI's are only limited to creativity.

For example, here's a working "search engine" entry for Yahoo!:


Our Custom CGI programming services can create Web sites with unique service and content offerings.

Shoestring Graphics & Printing
7160 N.W. Somerset Dr.
Corvallis, OR 97330-9519


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